
Hearing Loss and Balance Disorders

There is an association between the hearing, ears, and balance that intrigues everyone. The ears prove to be the essential part of the balance system that helps you maintain the balance. It also includes your musculoskeletal system and eyes. If a single part of the balance system does not work properly, it may lead to various systems of balance disorder. People who have hearing loss problems tend to have balance disorders as well. It’s because the inner ear part that is required for the balance could be disrupted in hearing loss. Let’s have a look at other enthralling facts about hearing loss and balance disorders.

The Inner Ear Balance System

There is a balance system in the inner ear known as a labyrinth that is composed of three canals. The canals are associated with the cochlea and hearing organ. Each canal of the labyrinth has the tendency to assess the movement in a specific direction. One canal is responsible for detection when the head nods down and up. The other one assesses when it moves side to side. Whereas the third one is responsible when the head tilts down the shoulder. Therefore, when the inner ear is damaged or injured due to some reason, it leads you to feel dizziness and makes it problematic to balance.

Symptoms of Balance disorder

The disturbed balance system, including the inner ear, leads to a balance disorder. The symptoms include difficulty in balance, vertigo that lets you feel spinning, and difficulty in standing and walking. Nausea and vomiting can also be caused by balance disorder. It leads to other psychological symptoms, including anxiety, stress, and depression.

These symptoms are not hard and fast or definite, they may come and go. They may also be noticed and felt while doing some specific actions and work. Other causes of balance disorders may include ear infections, head injuries, medications side effects, blood circulation problems, and low blood pressure. If you experience balance disorders or hearing loss, you should get the other thing checked as well. It’s because they are interlinked and affect different health outcomes.

Hearing loss and Balance problem

Some particular hearing conditions may cause balance problems. For instance, labyrinthitis is known as an inner infection that has the tendency to cause tinnitus, hearing loss, dizziness, and vertigo. Another condition known as Meniere’s disease can affect balance as well as hearing capacity. It’s because it leads to severe pressure in the endolymphatic system in the labyrinth and inner ear. These problems grow more when left untreated. Sometimes, you need specific treatment for a permanent condition. Therefore, you need to go to the audiologist in order to check your current condition and get your medical tests done. They will perform tests in order to assess balance and hearing. Cure your problem before it’s too late.