
How To Reset Your Cannabis Tolerance


The good things are easy to get used to. It was easy to get the effects with just one or two puffs in the past. You now need to smoke the whole joint. You may notice a change in the way cannabis works.

You will need to consume higher amounts of cannabis in order to achieve the same high tolerance results. This is especially true when cannabis is used to provide certain benefits.

High tolerance is not permanent. It can be reset with simple steps. To reach your goals, however, you’ll still need to eat less.

What is Cannabis Tolerance?

Tolerance can develop from long-term cannabis use. This is due to the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the human body. ECS is how marijuana’s psychoactive effects are delivered into the body. It activates ECS receptors in the brain. CB1 and CB2 represent the two types of ECS receptors. They transmit information to the body once activated. Cannabis is the key to activation.

Tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive cannabinoid in marijuana that causes its psychoactive effects (THC), is what gives it its psychoactive properties. THC, a psychoactive cannabinoid, binds to CB1 ECS (brain). It works almost like a key to activate the receptor, activating it and thereby producing marijuana’s intoxicating effects.

CB1 receptor activity drops if the interaction occurs too often. You may feel the sudden need to take more THC to achieve the same effects.

There are many factors that can affect the tolerance levels of consumers.

  • Your body’s chemical makeup
  • Frequent use of cannabis
  • The amount of cannabis that you consume (THC content).

It is possible to develop tolerance to THC, but it won’t last forever. There are many ways to bring CB1 activity back to normal.

There are several things you can do to reverse cannabis tolerance.

Take a ‘T’-break if you are able

Stop using cannabis to reset your tolerance. Your CB1 receptors, which are responsible for delivering THC to your body, will be able to resume normal activity. This will allow you to enjoy the same effects with lower THC levels. These cannabis breaks are called T breaks.

You can take as many or as few breaks as you wish. The amount of cannabis consumed and tolerance can affect the time it takes to restore CB1 activity. Some people may need to wait for 1-2 weeks, while others will require at least 21 days. If you are not getting the desired results, you can extend your T-break.

Although T breaks are effective, they may not be practical for everyone. These are just a few of the many other options that can be used along with T breaks.

Cannabinoid Cycling

Science continues to uncover the secrets of cannabis plants. We now know more about what we eat and how cannabinoid-rich they are. Another well-known cannabinoid that is found in cannabis plants is CBD. It is well-known to regular cannabis users as well as millions of wellness enthusiasts. It does not bind to CB1 receptors, nor does it cause psychoactive effects.

High levels of THC and low CBD are common in marijuana strains. Switching between high CBD and high THC strains can help you reset your tolerance. This is also known as cycling.

To reset your tolerance, you can switch between high CBD or low THC strains. You will still experience a stronger effect. Consuming CBD-rich strains will result in fewer withdrawal symptoms. CBD does not have any psychoactive side effects. There are some side effects to CBD.

This article was written by a CBD Specialist at Uplift CBD. At UpLift CBD we strive to provide our customers with the highest level of satisfaction by providing the best quality products.

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