
Why Shoulder Arthroscopy is Worth Your Time

Many consider the shoulder to be one of the most important parts of the body and this is the reason why treatments revolving around the said area have greatly expanded. Even though some procedures such as shoulder arthroscopy have been around for a long time, the procedure and how it is done have changed significantly. This is done to help keep them relevant to the needs and preferences of their patients. Let us look at some of the reasons this treatment approach is worthwhile.

Minimally Invasive Procedure

As mentioned earlier, shoulder treatment today is diverse having their respective features and specifications that help set them apart from the rest. From the get-go, patients are given two options on how they want to proceed with their treatment: non-surgical and surgical approaches. Treatment that involves surgery usually has good results but may carry risks while performed. This is the reason why many find it important to look for qualified and experienced people to assist them with their concerns.

The skill of the surgeon is one thing but how the procedure can be done is also a different story. Compared to other treatments that require surgery, shoulder arthroscopy is safer especially since it is categorized as a minimally invasive procedure.

Saves Time

Aside from fewer risks, the time it takes to perform arthroscopy is also shorter when compared to others. It takes less than an hour for the entire process to be finished. With that being said, patients will need to consider that they will not be discharged right away. Recovery period at the hospital after surgery can take an hour or two and pain medications will also be provided if necessary. Regardless, this time is still fairly short as you don’t need to go to the hospital for the entire day.

More Savings

Cost is also a huge factor that can make shoulder treatments more accessible and enticing. You may be pleased to know that arthroscopy is cheaper when compared to traditional treatments that require surgery. Furthermore, this can also be covered by insurance if it is deemed medically necessary. The faster recovery time that we’ve mentioned earlier, can also be a huge advantage especially since patients will be able to get back to their work as soon as possible. This goes a long way in helping alleviate the overall cost of the surgery.

Arthroscopy is indeed a very welcomed procedure for shoulder injuries. With that being said, it is important to remember that doctors will have the final say if one is a good candidate for the surgery. This in turn makes it a good idea to learn more in advance about the particular treatment option before deciding to get them. Schedule an appointment with your doctor today!