AMH stands for anti-mullerian hormone (AMH). The hormone can be found in the reproductive tissue of men and women. The level of the hormone changes with gender and age. Studies show that AMH hormone is responsible for the development of the sex organ in the embryo ad its activities start in the first week of pregnancy development, which is when the baby starts developing its reproductive organs. Upon the formation of the embryo, it already has either XY gene or XX gene. The XY gene stands for male, while the XX gene is or female. The AMH level is high in a male embryo and its high concentration helps in preventing the male from developing female reproductive organs. Lack of adequate AMH in the embryo can bring about the development of both male and female reproductive organs. AMH blood test will help healthcare professionals to detect the hormone’s concentration.
Who needs the AMH test?
Once you get pregnant, you should consider going for the AMH test to help determining its adequacy or lack thereof. The AMH test can also be done by women who are not pregnant. Doing the test before you get pregnant will also help to determine the number of eggs in the female as this can help to determine how reproductive the female is. If you are having problem getting pregnant, one of the best decisions you can make is to go for the AMH blood test. It will help to determine if the inability to get pregnant is due to a reduced number of eggs. Note, however, that age is one of the major determinant of the number of eggs in the individual, which will also determine the AMH level in the individual. Make sure, however, that you get the test done at the right outlet so that you can get the accurate result.
Best place to visit
You will find so many outlets offering the AMH test out there today. However, it is better to visit only reproductive clinics for the test. It will do you a world of good. One of the best places you can visit for the test in Australia today is none other than Monash IVF. It is among the best places for quality IVF services and you can also trust the AMH test they carry out here or accuracy. This outlet had been in the medical profession for a very long time and will always be there to meet your needs.
Available services
Monash IVF is among the best outlets you can trust for reproductive services in Australia. They offer sperm freezing and egg freezing. They equally offer semen analysis, ovulation induction and fertility health check. Those interested in surrogacy or even assisted insemination can always trust this outlet. Their in-vitro fertilization is also qualitative.